"Upstairs" Circuit


Mental Health: personal experience and advice!

The day before “the big 18th”

For some time I was feeling crap. My mood was (mostly) low, I was having terrible sleep and my parents advised to go to  the doctors about morning nausea. For weeks, I used to wake up and vomit every morning. Of course, this wasn’t the way I wanted to start the day, but it almost became a way of live when I was seventeen years old. I didn’t socialize much during this time, in fact, I didn’t even have anything planned for becoming an adult, other than stay at home and stay in with my fantastic family.

My GP advised that I took acid stomach tablets, anti nausea tablets and because I was going to become 18 the next day, Prozac. This was followed up by a review in two weeks time. For the first time, I was actually treated like an adult, I was able to actually say life was shit to a very reserved GP. Looking back at this time, it wasn’t all doom and gloom. In many regards, I was developing: I didn’t have any problems having a conversation, and, I was able to express many difficult feelings for someone so young.


Tip: no matter how dull life seems, talk it out before you walk it out. You may have family, you might have friends, you might be fortunate to have both. If so, use them – if they are true friends they’ll be willing to listen, and you’ll be willing to talk freely!

Advice: keep thinking about all the positives in your life. Even if it is something stupid, like, putting on a warm pair of trousers that you just took off the radiator. Life is actually good, you have so many things going for you, often we don’t always know it … keep going!

More soon

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